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3 Day Soup Cleanse

3 Breakfast smoothie: made of almond milk, Medjool dates, raw almonds, spinach, lemon, apple cider vinegar, cocoa and cinnamon

9 teas to drink at every meal Combination of ginger, peppermint and burdock root

3 soups to enjoy per day made of cabbage, carrots, celery, leeks, sweet potato, green beans, parsley & lemon.

2 fruits per day to eat with lunch and dinner (pear & watermelon unless otherwise discussed)
Nutrition Facts (%) - percentage of daily value
Serving size
0oz (0g)
0 servings per container
Per Serving
Total fat
Total carbohydrate
All Ingredients
Contains:  Almonds
Soup: Sweet potato, carrots, celery, cabbage, lemon, olive oil, vegetable broth, leeks. Breakfast smoothie: Avocado, almonds, almond milk, cocoa, medjool dates, spinach, lemon, apple cider vinegar. Detox tea: Peppermint, ginger, burdock root. Snack: Grapefruit
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